Jason Kelce dislikes the Dallas Cowboys. Not surprising coming from a lifelong Philadelphia Eagles fan, but now that he’s on ESPN’s Monday Night Countdown, he’ll put some of his anger aside for a few hours. Dallas will not be on MNF until Week 11, therefore Kelce will have already accumulated 10 weeks of on-air TV time. However, he will return to Jerry World for the Cowboys’ battle of Texas against the Houston Texans on Monday, November 11. Travis Kelce asked his older brother if he could be objective about the Cowboys on the most recent episode of their New Heights podcast.
‘Oh, I have no bias,’ Jason explained. “I simply don’t like them. But I’m going to give them props. Despite my dislike for the Cowboys fandom, there is a rivalry.I was at a charity golf outing and there was a child who said, ‘Hey, I’m a Cowboys fan.’ I asked, ‘Oh, are you from Dallas?’ And he replied, ‘No, I’m from Philadelphia. Are you also a Lakers and Yankees fan? So, what are we doing? We’re just picking any team we want; is that where we’re at? “Listen, I can set aside my differences as a player and the competition…” Travis interrupted Jason to remind him that, despite being raised in Cleveland, he is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan.”I had to; we didn’t have a team,” he explained. “We’ve lost our team. Geographically, the next closest team was the Pittsburgh Steelers, and Jerome Bettis was my favorite player. I couldn’t continue to be a Browns fan after they became the Ravens. Travis didn’t have a club to root for, so when the Browns returned, I got a Tim Couch jersey and wore it proudly. “I still loved Jerome Bettis, but once the Browns returned, I was no longer a Steelers fan.” Week 11 will be intriguing to watch how Jason combines his professional objectivity with his well-documented Eagles fandom. It doesn’t appear that he’ll have a problem throwing aside any biases, which he professes not to have while loathing.
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